Flutter Developer – All Important Things You Need To Know

Right off the bat, every developer out there is well-versed in the growing need for app development in startups and multinational firms. As a result, they are striving to hone their skills to keep up with the latest trends. On the flip side, businesses are in need to make the most appealing apps to flourish and reach the masses on a larger scale. In such a scenario, the emergence of app development platforms like Flutter is a boon.

For the record, the cross-platform concept of Flutter is pretty intuitive and allows you to conveniently develop the best apps without any hassle. It can aid in the creation of apps compatible with iOS, Android, Linux, Mac, and more….. sounds amazing, isn’t it? 

In order to exploit Flutter’s advantages to your benefit, you must hire the most deserving Flutter developers. With that in mind, you must have a thorough knowledge of Flutter developer salary structures and how to find the perfect Flutter developer for your company. Keep scrolling to know more….

Why are Flutter developers important?

With Flutter by your side, it allows you to experiment with its feature-rich perks. For starters, it has an independent rendering system and supports mobile and web platforms. The testing process is faster, and the UI gives you an enhanced experience. Moreover, the UI is the same for all the platforms.

The best use of a platform like Flutter demands the recruitment of qualified developers who know how to use it to its fullest potential. A skilled Flutter developer can help you achieve great heights in structuring a robust application that is sure to grab your audience’s attention. With that said, there is no better way than a trusted developer to unlock the benefits of Flutter for you.

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Basic prerequisites for the candidates

There are a few criteria an ideal candidate should meet. First, experience is important as it tells you how thorough a candidate is with the Flutter framework. A minimum of 3 years of experience is the sweet spot.

Also, the candidate should have knowledge of IntelliJ, Flutter SDK, Android Studio, Jira, and Git. Lastly, an ideal candidate must be a problem-solver who has a knack for fixing things with a positive and confident approach.

Skills to check while hiring Flutter developers

In case you didn’t know, Dart is a language similar to Java, and there are Dart developers who are trained to work with it. With that considered, a Flutter Dart developer’s salary increases with growing experience in the industry.

For the record, the cross-platform approach of Flutter is possible because of Dart. Every candidate must know the language well. Additionally, knowledge of other basic computer languages like C++ is an added advantage.

Flutter developer jobs salary depends further if the candidate is well-versed with the methodologies used for software management. Some of these are Agile and Waterfall. Added to that, SQLite and Git are other very useful tools that your developer must know how to work with. Find someone who checklists most of these boxes, and you are good to go!

The average salary of a Flutter developer

One of the most interesting questions is about what the Flutter developer salary per hour currently is. The hourly rates are comparatively lesser in places like India, China, and Brazil, ranging between $40 to $55 per hour. On the other hand, Western Europe and the United States are more expensive when it comes to hiring Flutter developers, with hourly fees ranging from $70 to $120.

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Models for hiring Flutter developers

There are three basic recruitment models to consider. You can either go for full-time developers, freelancers, or outsourced talent.

You can recruit in-house developers to serve as full-timers at work. For that, they must have excellent experience, skills, and a problem-solving mindset. Yes, this can be a bit expensive! Though the Flutter app developer salary at entry level can be pretty manageable for you, however, newbies will never give you as much input as developers who have been working for years.

With that said, you can hire freelancers who can work from time to time for your company and can prove to be cost-effective as well. Hiring freelancers is comparatively cheaper, and you also have a large number of candidates to choose from! Else, you can get in touch with outsourcing companies that can help you outsource talent.  

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Now that you know what it takes to find the ideal Flutter developer, all that is left is for you to initiate the hiring process. Your budget will be a major determinant in deciding the level of candidates you can consider recruiting. Besides, the average salary of a Flutter developer is also a crucial factor. So make a calculative decision accordingly.

Sajal Manjhi

Tech-Enthusiast and Founder/Author of Techotn.com and also a passionate Pinterest Marketer at Sajalmanjhi.com. Follow me on X twitter.com/ManjhiSajal

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