Earn money by reviewing your product, just share what you love and what is the bad thing about your product, with image and video if you can, video is not required but if you can provide that’s a big plus point for you.
How to write a review
After submitting the form below we will send you the username and password to login to the dashboard, here you can write your review, with adding a heading, text, images, videos, and share interesting details about the product, like when you purchased the product, and what was your experience and the pros and cons.
For writing a good review, click pictures of your product, and then start writing on your dashboard, add a heading, subheading, add more details as much you can like the build quality, design, looks, durability, performance, the good thing, and the bad thing about the product when you are done just submit for review, we will check and publish immediately.
How I get paid
We will issue payments through PayPal with a minimum threshold of 10$, the earning depends on the views of your article, so share with your friends and groups, Facebook, Twitter, Insta, and where you want. You can see the views of your article on the dashboard.
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